Roaming Professionals Need More Than Hotels

Posted on: 2 February 2018

Are you fairly successful at working remotely? Is working from home or working in different locations your new norm? Professionals who can reach middle income and above are often at a crossroads: do you find friends and family to live with, become a regular at a hotel, or start leasing homes and offices as needed? Short terms leases are a strong market in an economy of traveling workers and free spirits alike, but if you must make a living while traveling, here are a few features to look for in your next lease.

Work From Home Networking Support

A good internet connection and a working computer are the core of most remote work situations. You may have different levels of computer use, but many jobs at least require writing emails and working on documents at some level.

Some jobs may be fine with wireless internet, but some jobs need a more stable connection that wireless simply can't provide at the moment. Dropped calls are still a problem, and some businesses want video chat that has as few interruptions as possible.

While some wireless connections can be designed to have as few errors and data loss as possible, wired internet delivers that quality with greater ease. For that reason, your next home needs to be in an area with a good landline Internet Service Provider (ISP). Preferably more than one ISP.

With multiple ISPs offering competitive speeds, you can potentially switch to other companies if your first option has poor performance. You can also use the threat of switching companies to push your current provider into better performance. With only one ISP, there is little incentive for the company to improve outside of lawsuits or hoping for an act of good will.

Proximity To Service Centers

If you're working on the go, you may need different ways to service your equipment, purchase new equipment and services, and mail physical products.

Some jobs have requirements that can give you an idea of what to look for. Many technical service jobs and physical document-handling jobs require that you live near a post office and/or a major airport to make receiving goods, meeting colleagues, and getting to the next leg of your journey easier.

Look for areas that are close to these transport and shipment hubs, but look for other features that can service your work as well. If you need technical support, an area that has a private computer repair shop--or at least a big electronics or office store offering computer repairs--is vital for a sudden system failure.

If you're a physical product creator, be sure to find an area near a hobby shop, electronics parts shop, or hardware store that can provide what you need. Even if the stores can't provide everything, try to find stores that can order the goods reliably if you can't find what you need online, or if you need a trusted workshop area to try out certain products.

Contact a real estate leasing agent, such as at Schuller Properties, Inc. Plano Property Management, to discuss homes with the amenities and terms that can boost your productivity on the move.


Getting A Better Home

After struggling for months to find a home that we would love, I realized that we wanted something really special. I stopped thinking so much about how much we were going to be spending and started looking for the perfect place. After a few months of looking, it was really interesting to see just how many options we had. I wanted to create a blog for all of the other homeowners out there who might be struggling to find the home of their dreams. Check out these inspiring posts to learn what you need to in order to create your dream home.