2 Tips For Making It Easier To Move When You Have A Debilitating Illness

Posted on: 21 March 2018

If you have a debilitating chronic illness that makes it difficult for you to get around, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to make things easier when it comes time to move to a new home. If so, use the tips below while packing up for your move to ease the process.

Break up the Job into Manageable Blocks of Time

When you live with a chronic physical illness, you probably find that you are unable to tackle large jobs all at once without either tiring yourself out or causing yourself extra discomfort. Because of this, do not try to pack up for your move within a couple of days, or you will exacerbate your symptoms.

Especially if you know several weeks ahead of time before you move, plan out a schedule that breaks up your packing job into manageable blocks of time. Since you already know your own limitations, set aside whatever amount of time with which you feel comfortable.

For example, if you know you can only move around and lift things for five minutes, plan on working for that time period, followed by a rest period. You can always continue working past that time. However, if you plan ahead for those time blocks, you can be assured that the work will get done.

Mix Light and Heavy Items in Boxes

While you are packing up your boxes, think carefully about how much weight you can typically carry or push without straining yourself. Even if you are going to have a moving company help you on moving day, you will still have to handle the boxes when it comes time to unpack at your new home.

When you are packing each box, try to mix together light items with heavier ones to counter the extra weight. About halfway through packing the box, lift it a little bit to make sure it is not too heavy for you. If you feel it is getting close, and you still have plenty of space, put linens or plastic items on top to conserve space and avoid adding any more excessive weight.

Using the above tips can help make things a little bit easier on yourself if you have a debilitating illness while trying to move. For more advice or help with the moving process, speak with a representative from the moving company you are using to find out what types of assistance and services they may have to offer. To learn more, visit https://www.bekins.com/


Getting A Better Home

After struggling for months to find a home that we would love, I realized that we wanted something really special. I stopped thinking so much about how much we were going to be spending and started looking for the perfect place. After a few months of looking, it was really interesting to see just how many options we had. I wanted to create a blog for all of the other homeowners out there who might be struggling to find the home of their dreams. Check out these inspiring posts to learn what you need to in order to create your dream home.